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From Draft to Send: Perfecting Your Brand Pitch Email Template

Influencer Tips

August 9, 2021

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Boost Your Brand Deals: Tips for an Irresistible Brand Pitch Email Template

Are you ready to take your influencer game to the NEXT LEVEL? If you’re on the search for the perfect brand pitch email template, you’re in the right place! Ever felt stuck staring at a blank screen, wondering how to craft an email that will make brands click “open” and say, “YES!”? Well, SPOILER ALERT: crafting a killer brand pitch email doesn’t have to be rocket science. Imagine sending a message so compelling, brands can’t help but hit reply. Sounds dreamy, right? Let’s dive in and make that dream a reality!

If you’ve ever wondered why you NEED a killer brand pitch email template in your toolkit you’re in the right place! Let’s dive into the top reasons this is an absolute game-changer for you! 💥

First off, time is money, right? With a polished brand pitch email template, you can save TONS of time. No more starting from scratch every time you reach out to a potential brand partner. Instead, you’ve got a ready-to-go, professional, and engaging template that you can tweak to fit each unique opportunity. It’s like having your own personal assistant who’s always on point!

But wait, there’s more! A top-notch template boosts your professionalism to the MAX. Brands are swamped with pitches daily, so you need to stand out. A well-crafted email shows you’re serious, organized, and worth their time. It’s the difference between getting a “let’s talk” and your email getting lost in the abyss. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to impress right from the get-go?

SPOILER ALERT: Consistency is KEY. When you use a template, you ensure that every brand you contact gets the same high-quality pitch, which helps build your reputation. Imagine being known as the influencer who always brings their A-game. Sounds pretty awesome, right? So, what are you waiting for? Start crafting that brand pitch email template NOW and watch those opportunities roll in! 🚀

Brand Pitch Email Template

In this post I’m sharing not only how to perfect your brand pitch email but also where to find the ultimate brand pitch email templates to knock the socks off of the brands you dream of partnering with. We’ll also cover the top three (3) mistakes that influencers make when pitching brands so that YOU can avoid making the same mistakes, and increase your chances of partnering with the brands you love.

11 St. Studio Influencer Agency

By the way, if you’re new here — welcome, I’m Jaye (the creator of 11 St. Studio influencer agency) and I’ve been helping influencers like you price their rates for brand deals, and negotiate brand contracts, since 2019. With that said, I recently launched a NEW webinar where I share exactly what goes into calculating rates for brand deals — IN DETAIL —  because let me tell you, it is NOT a one-size fit’s all approach. And in that webinar I also reveal how to get your hands on my personal influencer rate calculator, and Professional Pitch Package because trust me when I say, they are MUST-HAVES if brands are asking for your rates.

An influencer rate calculator designed to calculate sponsored post rates and brand deals

Again, I reveal IT ALL in the webinar. So make sure to click the link below this video to join the webinar because I don’t want anyone (who’s interested in learning how to price their rates for brand deals the RIGHT way) to miss it.

Watch on YouTube

How to Get Brand Deals

Let’s chat about brand pitch email templates because in conversations with both brands and influencers I’ve discovered a few mistakes that influencers are making regularly, and often, these mistakes are at no fault of their own, but more-so due to the newness of the industry and a lack of industry standards. So, let’s chat about them because, unless you’ve hired an agent or manager to represent and pitch brands for you, chances are you’re reaching out to brands to secure partnerships on your own – which is really smart since you yourself are forming all the relationships and are (of course) able to keep 100% of the profits — so keep it up!

If you’re somewhat new to the industry and are still learning how to land successful campaigns on your own, here’s the top three mistakes I’ve discovered influencers are making:

  1. Reaching out to the wrong person
  2. Sending pitches to the wrong email address
  3. Neglecting to follow up after pitching brands

Influencer Mistake No. 1

So, let me ask you a question…Who, Exactly do you believe you should pitch? Because, the truth is, finding the best person to pitch at a brand you’re hoping to work with shouldn’t be very difficult! Unfortunately, many influencers don’t always know the right person to connect with, and mistakenly attempt to make contact with the wrong person, which can lead to a not so impressive first impression!

Now, if you’ve done this, please don’t stress! Just know that, in the future a quick google search can lead you directly to the best person to pitch! 

Now, if you’re curious, you can learn the specific words and phrases I recommend you search on Google in order to guarantee you’ll find the right person to pitch inside our eBook, Level Up.

Otherwise, here’s a list of the people that brands consistently tell us are mistakenly pitched by influencers all the time (aka: who you should never pitch):

  • Social Media Managers
  • Store Managers
  • Sales Reps
  • HR Directors
  • Brand Founders or CEO’s

Believe it or not, these people are getting pitched all the time by influencers who don’t know better. Can you imagine their frustration? How often do you think they answer these pitches, or forward them to the appropriate person? Try, rarely…

Influencer Brand Deals

You really only have one chance to impress a brand, and if you don’t impress them right away, chances are slim that they’ll partner with you in the future. Meaning, you need some strong brand pitch email templates. While that may seem drastic, it’s simply the truth. Most brands say that they want to work with influencers who take the time to do their research before making contact, who are authentic, add value to the brand and treat their blogs (and influence) professionally, like a business. 

So, make sure to do your research before sending out your emails so that your pitch always lands in the inbox of the best person to connect with! OK, because having the best brand pitch email templates is only the beginning.

Brand Pitch Email Templates

Brand Pitch Email Templates

In the event that you come across a brand that really doesn’t make it apparent who to contact, you can of course use our brand pitch email templates that include specific language directing your email to be forwarded to the right person in the event they reach the wrong inbox. Otherwise, you can send one short and very specific pre-pitch (which you can also find in our pitch package) to the brand’s social media team to get the specific name and email of the person you should contact.  

Influencer Mistake No. 2

Ok, so that covers the first mistake, so now let’s chat about the second mistake, and that is…sending pitches to the wrong email address.

If you spend even one hour a week on brand outreach, you know that pitching the right person is critical to your success! With that said, you’ll naturally want to send that pitch to their correct email address, right? Believe it or not, some influencers don’t take the time to find the right address, which can obviously prevent them from landing the partnerships they’re hoping to win altogether! 

So, be honest, have you ever spent hours trying to find an email address for a brand you want to partner with? Or worse, tried to guess what it was? Or, worse yet sent it to a general email such as “info(at)brand(dot)com”?

Listen, if you’ve done your research and located the best brand contact the last thing you want to do is spend your valuable time searching for their email, or worse, sending it to the wrong address where it could linger forever in a catch-all inbox that’s never opened! Like I said, having the best brand pitch email templates is only the beginning, you have to have a clear strategy too.

How To Guarantee Your Email Lands in the Brand’s Inbox

Maximize Impact: Essential Elements of a Brand Pitch Email Template

Instead, I recommend using any one of the popular websites or browser extensions available to find anyone’s company email address. These options are incredibly accurate and often have free trials, so I definitely recommend them! Many of your favorite influencers use these tools everyday to locate the email addresses for their brand contacts because they quite literally return accurate email addresses nearly 100% of the time, and in just seconds.

But all in all, this tool is a must-have if you’re reaching out to brands and I personally don’t suggest searching for brand email addresses any other way, because it returns accurate email addresses nearly 100% of the time – it’s that good!

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Influencer rate report Brand Email Pitch Templates Influencer Media Kit Template Influencer Rate Card Template 

Influencer Mistake No. 3

OK, so now let’s go ahead and pivot to the 3rd mistake influencers make, and that is: not following up with brands after using our brand pitch email templates to send an email. Have you done this?

If you’ve ever wondered to yourself… 

  • “Why haven’t they replied to my pitch?” 
  • “Did they even read my pitch?”
  • “I haven’t heard back, they must not be interested…” 

please don’t be discouraged! Nine times out of ten, brands are inundated with emails. Everything from the day of the week to the time of day you email them is critical to receiving a response! SO, in the event you don’t hear back, please follow up! Often times, they DID get your email, and then got distracted and forgot to reply. 

SO please by all means, get on their radar and follow up! You’ll be amazed at how well this works, and how often a simple follow up email (or two or three) can be the determining factor into whether or not you land a partnership!

So, keep in mind here that persistence pays off.

And that’s true whether you’re a nano influencer, micro or mega. Not all brand campaigns come to you, but instead are created because you are persistent. So remember, having the best brand pitch email templates is key, but follow up is just as important! In fact, we recently got an email from an influencer (Paige) who used a pitch from the pitch package to pitch a brand and said:

“I used one of your brand pitch email templates (pitches) to reach out to my dream brand and didn’t hear back right away, so I used the email tool you suggested to check to see if they read it and discovered they did. Rather than send the same email again, I was able to send a follow up email instead, and got a response just minutes later! They thanked me for reaching out the previous week and stated they we’re so happy I followed up, because they wanted to work with me but got distracted with a project and hadn’t had a chance to reply! They then scheduled a call with me on the spot and I just signed a contract with them, for a $1,500 deal! All because I had the confidence to pitch them with your template and follow up! I’m so grateful — I never had the courage to pitch brands on my own before this – not to mention land a $1,500 deal! All with only 7k followers! These pitches have literally changed my life and I was able to earn back the money I spent on it (and more) just two weeks after purchasing the package. I never could’ve done so without it! Thank you so much for all the helpful tips and templates, it was the best investment I’ve made yet!! – Paige

If that’s not evidence enough that follow up is essential, I don’t know what is! OK so that covers all the mistakes! I hope you’ve learned a lot from this post about how to perfect your brand pitch email template (and brand pitching strategy) and naturally never make these mistakes yourself, because as you can tell, they are easy to make.

BUT, you now know better!

Again here’s the links I mentioned, plus all of our professional brand pitch email templates, so go ahead and check them out for yourself!

Brand Pitch Email Templates

Time is precious, isn’t it? By using a refined brand pitch email template (like the one below), you can save a significant amount of time. No more starting from scratch each time you reach out to a potential brand partner. Instead, you have a pre-made, professional, and captivating template that you can adjust to suit each unique opportunity. It’s like having your own reliable personal assistant who is always on target!

Professional Pitch Package

This brand pitch email template makes pitching brands as an influencer so simple!

Read More Tips for Influencers

Thanks for reading about the essential elements of a brand pitch email template! Before you go, here’s a few of our most popular guides for influencers as well as some of our best-selling resources for influencers inside our Shop. ❤️

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