Level Up


Are you ready to start earning money partnering with the brands YOU love? If your answer is “Yes!”, get ready because we’ve got exciting news for you! We wrote an eBook revealing the tools and strategies successful influencers use to pitch brands they love to win paid brand campaigns — so you can too (regardless if you're a nano, micro, macro or mega influencer).

Who It’s For

We created this ebook specifically for influencers that have a strong desire to earn an income partnering with brands. 

Inside the eBook

We wrote this eBook for influencers and bloggers that have the desire to reach out to brands on their own, to negotiate their own rates and to pocket 100% of their earned income! We know how hard you work to build your audience and expertise in your niche and you deserve to be rewarded fairly for that and all the content you create!

Level Up will teach you the exact tools and strategies agents and influencer managers use to discover the best person to speak with (at the brand) plus their specific email address, allowing you to save time and speak with the best point of contact at the brand you’re hoping to partner with immediately.

We also reveal:

➙  the #1 source we use daily to find brand employee’s exact email address

➙  what to say in your email subject line to get your email opened (and read!) + examples

➙  the exact tool to use to be notified the moment they've read your email (or not) so you're never left wondering if they got it

➙  what you should always include in your signature line to instantly connect with the brand & make yourself memorable

All in all, this eBook is intended to teach you everything you need to know to collaborate with brands you love. We've included resources in this guide that influencers (just like you) use everyday to consistently land high quality, paid brand deals with brands they love and we're confident they can do the same for you!

We've also included information and strategies to improve your email open rate and more!
Whether you’re a nano, micro or macro or mega influencer this eBook will help you succeed — if you are consistent in your outreach. Landing campaigns with brands isn’t easy at first, but with time, patience and perseverance, you'll be successful.

Discover the Secrets

No, You Don’t Need 100k Followers to Land Paid Brand Campaigns

Since brand marketing budgets are predicted to practically double by 2023 now is an excellent time to start collaborating with brands if you aren’t already! With rates per post varying between $150 for nano influencers and exceeding $25k/post and more for mega influencers, there’s no better time to get started!

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