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Brand partnerships

Proven Techniques To Secure Lucrative Brand Partnerships

It's time to make more money with your influence, don't you agree?  Here's the thing...this internet is a busy place. If you want to stand out from the crowd and partner with the brands you LOVE, you need to take very strategic actions.  We'll help you get strategic with your Instagram/TikTok/YouTube (etc. etc.)  profile so you can start getting paid brand deals right away because you've worked hard to build your brand and audience and deserve to be paid so other's can access it.

tips for influencers

Why Brand Partnerships Matter

Are you ready to turn your passion into profits and secure some seriously lucrative brand partnerships? 

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your influencer game, this guide is packed with expert tips to help you land the best deals. Let’s get right into it!

Brand partnerships are a game-changer. They’re not just about the money—though that’s a big part of it—but also about boosting your credibility, expanding your reach, and creating content that resonates with your audience. A successful partnership can lead to long-term collaborations and open doors you never thought possible.

No.1: Understand Your Brand Partnership Value

First things first: you need to know your worth to brands. Take a close look at your engagement metrics, follower demographics, and the type of content you create. Brands are looking for influencers who align with their values and can authentically promote their products. Identify your unique selling points and be ready to showcase them in your Media Kit.

No.2: Research Potential Brand Partners

Not all brands are created equal, and neither are partnerships. 

You want to collaborate with brands that align with your niche and resonate with your audience. Spend some time researching potential partners. Look at their social media presence, their past collaborations, and their overall brand vibe. The more you know, the better you can tailor your pitch.

must-read: influencer rate report

No. 3: Craft the Perfect Pitch

Your pitch is your first impression, so make it count. 

Keep it clear, concise, and compelling. Start with a friendly introduction and quickly move into why you’re reaching out. Highlight your unique selling points and how you can add value to their brand. Be sure to personalize each pitch and reference specific campaigns or products you admire. A well-researched and tailored pitch stands out far more than a generic message.

must-have: pro pitch package

Expert Tips for Navigating Brand Partnerships

No. 4: Highlight
Mutual Benefits

When pitching, always focus on mutual benefits. Brands want to know what’s in it for them. Explain how your audience matches their target demographic and how you can help them achieve their marketing goals. Use concrete examples and past successes to back up your claims. Remember, a partnership is a two-way street.

No. 6: Set Clear Expectations

No. 7: Deliver High-Quality Content

While it’s important to be professional, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. Brands want to work with influencers who are authentic and relatable. Show them the real you—someone they can trust and enjoy working with. A friendly tone can go a long way in building rapport

No. 5: Be Professional Yet Approachable

Once you’ve secured a partnership, it’s crucial to set clear expectations from the start. Discuss deliverables, deadlines, and compensation upfront. Make sure both parties are on the same page regarding content guidelines and campaign goals. Clear communication prevents misunderstandings and sets the stage for a successful collaboration.

Now comes the fun part—creating content! Always aim for high-quality, engaging posts that reflect well on both you and the brand. Stay true to your voice and style while incorporating the brand’s message. Remember, authenticity is key. Your audience trusts you for your genuine recommendations, so keep it real.

No. 8: Track and Report Results

After your content goes live, track its performance. Use metrics like engagement rates, reach, and conversions to measure success. Brands appreciate detailed reports that show the impact of your collaboration. This not only demonstrates your professionalism but also sets the stage for future partnerships.

No. 9: Build Long-Term Relationships

Securing one-off deals is great, but building long-term relationships is even better.

Stay in touch with your brand partners, follow up on the campaign’s success, and look for opportunities to collaborate again. Long-term partnerships are more profitable and provide stability in your influencer career.

read the ebooks

brand partnerships

From Pitch to Payday

Our goal from day one has been to help influencers understand their value to brands and get paid what they're truly worth. 

Securing lucrative brand partnerships doesn’t have to be a mystery. By understanding your value, doing thorough research, crafting the perfect pitch, and delivering high-quality content, you can attract top brands and build lasting relationships. Remember, it’s all about mutual benefit, clear communication, and staying true to yourself.

Ready to start landing those dream partnerships? Put these tips into action, and watch your influencer career soar! If you need more personalized advice or help with your pitches, don’t hesitate to check out the resources we've created for influencers inside our Shop.

Areas of Expertise

With over 10 years experience navigating brand deals, our expertise lies in helping influencers navigate their pressing concerns,  such as how to pitch brands as an influencer, how to create a rate sheet, and how much to charge for sponsored posts. Find more resources in our Shop, including: 

Maximize Your Influence and Income

Win the Best
Brand Deals

Gone are the days of accepting free products for posts. 

We've spent years creating resources for influencers and bloggers to help them navigate all their questions about growth,  strategy and brand partnerships. From eBooks sharing how to get brand deals, to a brand email pitch template package, to a in-depth influencer rate report, we're confident you will learn the skills needed to maximize your influence and income as an influencer.

Read our blog to discover even more insider tips, including how to get sponsored by brands, how to email brands for collaboration, and how to negotiate with brands as an influencer to earn even more.

Navigate the Influencer Industry Like a Pro

Read The Blog

If you're looking to boost your social media game and grow your brand, you've come to the right place. Our influencer coaching resources on our blog is packed with insider tips, tricks, and strategies to help you master the art of influence. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, our insights will take your online presence to the next level. Get ready to level up your influence game. 

Browse THE
INfluencer Shop

Our NEW YouTube channel is the place to be if you want to level up your social media game. We dish out the hottest tips, insider secrets, and game-changing strategies to help you slay your influencer journey. Whether you're a nano influencer just starting out or a macro influencer looking to up your game, we've got you covered. Our channel is all about helping you crush it on social media with insider tips, epic strategies, and real talk. Whether you're just starting out or looking to boost your brand, we’ve got you covered. Hit that subscribe button and join a tribe of savvy influencers to learn how to create killer content, and turn your passion into a thriving online biz.

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YouTube videos

We know you love to shop, and that's why we launched our very own store — welcome to the ultimate influencer shop! We specialize in curating influencer coaching products that are unique, up-to-date, and totally transformative. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, the resources inside our influencer store are designed to elevate your social media game. Get ready to discover everything from ebook swith insider tips, killer strategies, and personalized advice as well as beautifully designed rate card, media kit, and case study templates to an in-depth influencer rate report and brand email pitch templates that’ll make you and your brand S-H-I-N-E.

It’s time to turn your passion into a powerhouse presence. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your brand, we share resources are packed with insider tips, proven strategies, and the latest trends. Dive into our resources and get ready to maximize your influence, engagement, and income.

Unlock the Secrets to PAID Brand Partnerships: Watch our YouTube Channel

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eBooks for Influencers

Discover the well-kept secrets of influencers who've NAILED brand deals.

Discover the secrets of some of the industries most successful influencers insider our eBooks. We share the exact steps they took to turn their influence into income, so you can too. Whether you're a nano influencer, micro influencer or macro influencer, these books cover it ALL.

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Brand Pitch Email Template

Are you ready to start pitching brands on your own?

If your answer is “Yes!”, get ready because we’ve got good news for you! We teamed up with professional pitch copywriters to create a package of 10 professional pitches that influencers like YOU can use to pitch brands, negotiate your own rates and pocket 100% of your earned income!

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the pitches!

I couldn't be happier with my results. The resources inside your Shop (especially the Influencer Rate Report) exceeded my expectations in every way. SO happy!

- Ellie Mae

Our new home has brought us so much joy and comfort. We couldn't have done it without Lita Grey's expertise. 

- Vita Emerald

Life-Changing Resources.


Get immediate access to all our current resources for influencers plus view our library of YouTube videos! Having worked with countless influencers (and brands), our team has uncovered the exact formula to achieving rapid success — and we’re ready to help you make it your reality too. 


YouTube Channel

Join Jaye on the YouTube channel to learn how to get brand deals, price sponsored posts, negotiate with brands and enhance your overall brand partnership strategy. 

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to discover all kinds of tips for influencers — for FREE. Learn exactly how to work with brands to get the brand deals you dream of, plus how to negotiate brand deals quickly and effectively. You'll also learn how to pitch brands, monetize social media, calculate your engagement rate, create a media kit and determine your rates for brand deals so you can grow on social media and monetize your influence — quickly!

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