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Influencer often wonder how much to charge for brand deals, this post shares how to price sponsored posts


These articles have helped thousands of influencers and bloggers create thriving online businesses. We have a feeling you're next.


As an influencer, knowing how much to charge for brand deals is key to your success! If you charge too little you risk undervaluing yourself and losing a significant chunk of change. If you charge too much you may risk losing brand deals. Knowing what to include in your rates is ultimately what makes or […]

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Influencer often wonder how much to charge for brand deals, this post shares how to price sponsored posts

Influencer Tips

How Much to Charge for Brand Deals: Decoding Influencer Rates

As an influencer, knowing how much to charge for brand deals is key to your success! If you charge too little you risk undervaluing yourself and losing a significant chunk of change. If you charge too much you may risk losing brand deals. Knowing what to include in your rates is ultimately what makes or […]

Are you an influencer looking to collaborate with brands? Here's a quick guide on how to reach out to brands as an influence

Influencer Tips

How to Reach Out to Brands as an Influencer: From Pitch to Partnership

Are you an influencer looking to collaborate with brands? Here’s a quick guide on how to reach out to brands as an influencer. Know Your Worth: Understand your value as an influencer. Research and Target: Identify brands aligned with your niche. Craft a Compelling Pitch: Personalize your outreach to showcase your strengths. Be Professional and […]

This influencer rate card is beautifully designed and proven to impress brands that work with influencers on all kinds of brand deals.

Influencer Tips

Influencer Rate Card Template: Your Secret Weapon for Brand Deals

If you’re searching for an influencer rate card template or perhaps googling “how much should I charge as an influencer” or if you’re looking for a customizable influencer rate card, you’re in the right place. In this post I’m revealing everything that goes into an influencer rate card as well as some pro tips to […]

A quick guide to answer how much should I charge as an influencer

Influencer Tips

How Much to Charge as an Influencer: Get Paid What You Deserve

In this post I’m gonna breakdown what goes into pricing influencer rates and answer the question that many of you are searching for, which is “how much to charge as an influencer?” I’m also gonna cover how to calculate your rates, and *and spoiler alert* I’m gonna reveal where you can get your hands on […]

A TikTok ban could jeopardize a lot of TikTok influencers livelihoods. Learn what to do if a TikTok ban is inevitable.

Influencer Tips

How To Navigate a TikTok Ban as a Creator: Stay Ahead of the Game

A TikTok ban could be in our near future. And if you’re like many famous TikToker’s, you’re probably wondering what’s next for you. Today I’m revealing my perspective of the potential TikTok ban and how I think it’s going to affect ALL of us — creators on TikTok, influencers on Instagram, YouTubers on YouTube, as […]

This quick guide reveals what brands look for in influencers.

Influencer Tips

What Brands Look for in Influencers: Traits That Win Deals

In this post I’m revealing what brands look for in influencers and content creators. So, if you’d like to partner with more brands on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube or your blog, keep reading. With influencer marketing evolving so rapidly, brands are starting to get real smart and now paying a lot more attention to an influencer’s […]

Influencer vs content creator - a quick guide breaking down the differences

Influencer Tips

Influencer vs Content Creator — What’s the Real Difference?

One of the most commonly searched phrases on google is, you guessed it, influencer vs content creator. Meaning, there’s quite a bit of confusion surrounding these roles. So let’s break it down. As you probably already know, each day brands partner with content creators and influencers to create unique content to meet their marketing goals. […]

We're sharing influencer tips and tricks to help you get ahead of the game!

Influencer Tips

Influencer Tips and Tricks: Secrets to Viral Success

In this post I’m revealing some influencer tips and tricks, as well as some important brand collab tips and tricks. I’m also sharing why long-term brand collaborations are currently so popular with influencers, AND why I suspect they will continue to be for years to come. So if you’re hoping to learn how to work […]

Influencer Brand Deals

Influencer Opportunities + The Truth About Brand Deals

If you’re interested in learning about some unique influencer opportunities and the truth about brand deals (more specifically) what you should look out for when brands approach YOU…plus how to politely decline brand deals if a brand approaches you with an offer you’re just NOT interested in, keep reading. The truth is, influencer opportunities are […]

Everything you want to know about how to become a paid influencer is in this guide!

Influencer Brand Deals

Become a Paid Influencer: Insider Secrets

   Have you ever wondered how to become a paid influencer or what (exactly) it is that brands look for when choosing influencers for campaigns? If so, you’re not alone! Often influencers believe that they are perfect for an upcoming brand campaign. They send the best pitch, they have a really engaged audience, and they […]

This quick guide shares how to make money creating content for brands!

Influencer Tips

How to Make Money Creating Content: Proven Methods

  Discover how to make money creating content and turn your creativity into cash! Learn the secrets to transforming your passion into a profitable gig so you can tart earning serious money creating content. At the end of the day it’s all about having fun while hustling smart. So, grab your camera, hit record, and […]

Many influencers wonder how to approach brands as an influencer. This guide shares tips on how to easily do so!

Influencer Tips

How to Approach Brands as an Influencer: Do’s and Don’ts

Have you ever found yourself wondering how to approach brands as an influencer? Or how to DM brands on Instagram to get paid brand collabs? If so, you’re in the right place! Learning how to approach brands as an influencer can open doors to exciting collaborations and lucrative partnerships. Whether you’re a macro influencer or […]

Unlocking the Secrets to Long-term Success with Influencer Brand Deals

Influencer Tips

From Micro to Macro: Navigating Influencer Brand Deals at Every Level

If you’ve ever wondered what different types of influencer brand deals you can choose from when partnering with brands, you’re not alone! In this post we’re diving into all the different types of types of influencer brand deals that exist in order to help you navigate your options when it comes to working with brands. […]

Elevate your influencer career with our tips on How to Negotiate as an Influencer and secure better deals.

Influencer Tips

How to Negotiate as an Influencer: Tips for Securing Lucrative Brand Deals

Have you ever wondered how to negotiate as an influencer and get the BEST deals possible? You’re in the right place if so! Negotiating might seem daunting, but SPOILER ALERT: it’s not as tough as you think! Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up your game, mastering the art of negotiation can […]

How to Get Brand Deals: Your Ultimate Guide to Influencer Success

Influencer Tips

How to Get Brand Deals That Pay Big – Your Roadmap to $$$!

If you’ve ever wondered how to get brand deals, you’re in the right place! Influencer marketing is BOOMING, and there’s no better time to jump in and start collaborating with awesome brands. But let’s be real — landing those deals can feel like a mystery, right? SPOILER ALERT: It’s not as complicated as you might […]

The Ultimate Breakdown: How Much to Charge for Sponsored Posts

Influencer Tips

Micro to Macro: How Much to Charge for Sponsored Posts

Wondering how much to charge for sponsored posts? You’re in the right place! Listen, I get it, determining your rates for brand deals can sometimes feel like a mystery, but SPOILER ALERT: it doesn’t have to be complicated! Think about your audience size, engagement rate, and niche. Are your followers super engaged? BOOM! That’s a […]

Boost Your Brand Deals: Tips for an Irresistible Brand Pitch Email Template

Influencer Tips

From Draft to Send: Perfecting Your Brand Pitch Email Template

Are you ready to take your influencer game to the NEXT LEVEL? If you’re on the search for the perfect brand pitch email template, you’re in the right place! Ever felt stuck staring at a blank screen, wondering how to craft an email that will make brands click “open” and say, “YES!”? Well, SPOILER ALERT: […]

The Secret to High Engagement: A Deep Dive into the Engagement Rate Formula

Influencer Tips

Cracking the Code: An Engagement Rate Formula Deep Dive

Want to know the secret to high engagement on social media, if so keep reading because we’re taking a deep dive into the engagement rate formula. Are you interested in elevating your social media game and creating a buzz that gets everyone on social media talking? If you’ve been wondering how to measure the impact […]

How to Work with Brands as an Influencer: Tips for Building Strong Partnerships

Influencer Tips

How to Work with Brands as an Influencer: Essential Do’s and Don’ts

If you’ve ever wondered how to work with brands as an influencer, or how to turn your social media presence into a brand-collaborating, money-making machine, you’re in the right place! Working with brands isn’t just for the mega-influencers with millions of followers—YOU can do it too! And guess what? It’s not as complicated as it […]

What Exactly to Include in Your Media Kit? Discover the MUST-HAVES!

Influencer Tips

What Exactly to Include in Your Media Kit: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

If you’re wondering what exactly to include in your media kit as an influencer, you’re in the right place! If you want to attract top-tier partnerships and collaborations, one essential tool in your arsenal is the MEDIA KIT. But what exactly should you include in your media kit as an influencer? SPOILER ALERT: It’s more […]

Determining Your Worth: How Much To Charge For a Sponsored Post

Influencer Tips

Ultimate Pricing Strategy: How Much To Charge For a Sponsored Post

Are you wondering how much to charge for a sponsored post? If so, you’re in the right place! Let’s face it: pricing rates for brand deals can be TRICKY, but it doesn’t have to be a mystery. How do you balance your worth with market rates? SPOILER ALERT: There’s no one-size-fits-all answer! Factors like your […]

Understanding Influencer Marketing Terms: A Beginner's Guide

Influencer Tips

From A to Z: Influencer Marketing Terms Explained

  The number one reason why influencers need to understand influencer marketing terms is because it empowers them to navigate brand deals more effectively, resulting in wildly successful partnerships. Being familiar with key concepts such as engagement rates, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing allows influencers to communicate more clearly with brands and agencies, ensuring that […]


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