Are you wondering how much to charge for a sponsored post? If so, you’re in the right place! Let’s face it: pricing rates for brand deals can be TRICKY, but it doesn’t have to be a mystery. How do you balance your worth with market rates? SPOILER ALERT: There’s no one-size-fits-all answer! Factors like your follower count, engagement rates, niche, and the type of content you create ALL play a crucial role. Ready to dive in and uncover the secrets to setting your price? Let’s get started and make sure you’re getting what you DESERVE!
Navigating the world of influencer marketing can be both exciting and challenging, especially when it comes to determining how much to charge for a sponsored post. As an influencer, your unique voice, audience engagement, and content quality are valuable assets that brands are willing to invest in. However, setting the right price requires a balance between understanding your worth and recognizing market trends. In this guide, we’ll explore key factors to consider, such as audience size, engagement rate, content type, and niche specificity, to help you confidently establish a rate that reflects your influence while ensuring mutually beneficial partnerships with brands.
11 St. Studio Influencer Agency
By the way, if you’re new here — welcome, I’m Jaye and I’m the creator of 11 St. Studio influencer agency and I’ve been helping influencers like you price their rates for brand deals, and negotiate brand contracts, since 2019. With that said, I recently launched a NEW webinar where I share exactly what goes into calculating rates for brand deals — IN DETAIL — because let me tell you, it is NOT a one-size fit’s all approach. And in that webinar I also reveal how to get your hands on my personal influencer rate calculator, because trust me when I say, it’s a MUST-HAVE if brands are asking for your rates.
Again, I reveal IT ALL in the webinar. So make sure to click the link below to join the webinar because I don’t want anyone (who’s interested in learning how to price their rates for brand deals the RIGHT way) to miss it.
How To Price Sponsored Posts (The Right Way)
If you’ve ever wondered how much to charge for a sponsored post or how bloggers and influencers determine what to charge brands for sponsored posts, you’re not alone! In fact, some of the most common questions we receive from influencers (and bloggers) in our community are:
- “How do I price my rates?”
- “Brand X is asking what I charge for an Instagram post. What should I charge them?”
- “A brand wants to partner on sponsored blog post and Instagram story. What is the going rate for a blog post and what should I charge for a social media post?”
- “How much should I charge for a post on instagram?”
- “What is the going Instagram rate per post?”
- “Can you tell me how much to charge per blog post?”
Can you relate to any of these questions? If so, that’s understandable! Pricing sponsored blog posts and determining an Instagram rate per post isn’t common knowledge if you’re an emerging blogger or influencer.
To be fair, determining how much to charge per blog post or Instagram post is 100% unique to you, and the campaign in question! So while we cannot provide any influencer with a specific “price”, we can offer you guidance in determining your rates and help answer the following questions many influencers and bloggers like yourself have.
Also, while you may be curious what the going rate for blog posts is, the truth is, it too varies! With so many factors involved and creative ways to collaborate on sponsored posts, there is no going rate! While this doesn’t make your life easier, we know, it gets easier with time and practice ─ that’s a promise!
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Sponsored Post Pricing Strategy
How Much To Charge For a Sponsored Post
Given that influencer marketing is still new territory for many people, it’s normal to wonder how much to charge for a sponsored post. Or, how much to charge for Instagram posts! In most scenarios, brands will want to discuss your rates soon after introductions are made, and always before going forward with a campaign. Keep in mind however, if a brand REALLY wants to work with you, they’ll be willing to pay what you charge! So please don’t undervalue yourself and what you can offer brands.
Brand Marketing Budgets
On a rare occasion you may come across a brand that simply doesn’t have the budget to pay you your unique rate for sponsored posts. Don’t despair! If they can’t afford your rates, that doesn’t mean all bets are off. Not a chance. You can always negotiate with the brand if you are just dying to work with them! Perhaps they can’t afford your rate for a sponsored blog post, but they may be able to swing a sponsored Instagram story…
Everything is negotiable! Get creative and negotiate various factors like campaign deliverables, to make sure everyone benefits from a potential partnership.
➞ Want to feel confident negotiating with brands? Discover fill-in-the-blanks brand negotiation templates inside our Professional Pitch Package!
Influencer Rates: How Much To Charge For a Sponsored Post
With so many factors involved in brand campaigns it’s extremely important that you are very clear on what the brand’s expectations are before signing any contracts. Since there are many things to consider, you want to be sure that you’re pricing your rates fairly, but also being compensated fairly too!
Many influencers and bloggers agree that a handful of products in exchange for posts isn’t fair compensation, so please by all means politely tell the brand otherwise if you find yourself in this scenario! Best case, they’ll find room in their marketing budget to pay you! If they can’t afford your rate, perhaps they can offer you a YEAR’s worth of product, assuming you really (really) love it and would 100% use it! Get creative in your negotiations if, and only if, it’s a brand you’d love to partner with!
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Sponsored Blog Post Rates: Things To Consider
From production costs to time constraints to the time of year, blogger and influencer rates for sponsored posts vary greatly, which is why we always recommend against setting rates that are set in stone! So, with that said, let’s chat about how much to charge for a sponsored post.
Given that each and every marketing campaign is unique to the brand and what they’re hoping to achieve, your rates are likely to never be the same! In fact, when surveyed, we discovered many influencers and bloggers increase their rates with each campaign until they reach a rate they are comfortable with, at which point they increase it each quarter thereafter.
How Much To Charge For a Sponsored Post
10 Important Questions You Need to Ask Yourself
The list below breaks down the following topics and includes the top 10 things to consider before setting any fees or sending over any rates to brands aka how much to charge for a sponsored post.
- Sponsored Blog Posts Rates
- Instagram Rate Per Post
- How Much to Charge for an Instagram Post
- What to Charge Brands for Sponsored Posts
- How Much to Charge for a Sponsored Post on Social Media
- How Much to Charge for a Sponsored Blog Post
- How Much to Charge for Social Media Posts
Production Costs
First things first, when deciding how much to charge for a sponsored post you need to think about your costs. Meaning, what are the upfront costs to you (the creator) in creating the post? Will you be traveling for the shoot, or hiring a professional photographer? Who will be editing the final images, and how much will that cost you? Will you need to shop for clothes, hire a stylist, get a blow out or bring on a makeup artist? These are all things to think about when brainstorming your production costs!
Time Constraints
What’s your editorial calendar look like? Do you truly have time for this campaign or do you already have multiple collaborations scheduled?
Brand Deadlines
When does the brand want the campaign to go “Live”? Ideally a brand will provide your with plenty of time to prepare the campaign for publication, however there are exceptions to every rule!
Do they need the deliverables next month, two (2) months from now or in three (3) weeks? As you can imagine, short deadlines will raise collaboration prices!
Time of Year
What season is it? If a brand is interested in partnering with you during the holidays, please be aware that they fully expect to pay influencers MUCH higher rates for holiday campaign, so you should consider increasing your rates accordingly! In fact, many brands double or triple their budgets for the holidays since this is the time of year they profit the most. Meaning, they’re often willing to maximize their spend on influencers in order to maximize their ROI (return on investment).
Extra Requests
Does the brand want just you in the campaign (ie. image), or do they want you and your partner, or you with your child? Many influencers charge more when brands want to feature them along with a relative or significant other! For example, it’s common for an influencer to charge extra if a brand asks to feature her and her toddler for a Mother’s Day campaign or her and her fiance for a Valentine’s Day campaign. In which case she can stash away the extra income in a savings account for her child or split the payment with her significant other.
Agent Fees
Are you represented by an Agent or Manager? If so, and they’re booking campaigns for you, brands expect to pay more for the creator and any other services the agency offers them, such as campaign tracking.
If you’re paying an agent a percentage of your bookings, or paying a manager a percentage of your yearly earnings as an influencer, then you can certainly charge higher rates.
Usage Rights
Due to legal complexities, we break down usage rights in this post in detail and suggest you always run any questions regarding your rights to content by a lawyer before signing brand contracts! In short, influencers and creators may charge significantly more if they sign contracts allowing the brand to reuse their content.
Note: Occasionally influencers sign contracts without reviewing them and they lose their usage rights to brands. Again, if this term comes up in negotiations we highly suggest you run it by a lawyer prior to signing away your rights.
Is the brand requesting exclusivity? If so you may charge them 3/4x your regular “rate”! As with usage rights, we recommend you run this by a lawyer before signing any contract since doing so will legally prevent you from partnering with the brand’s competitors for a period of time. As you can imagine, that could cause you to potentially lose out on future campaigns with other brands (and income)!
Campaign Complexity
How complex is the project? Will you need to purchase the brand’s products or pick them up? Or will they send them to you free of charge? What does the brand expect of you following the publication date? Brands understandably expect to pay influencers additional compensation if there are extra (logistical) matters involved in creating the campaign.
Will the brand be paying you prior to publication date? Or, are they insisting on paying you net 30, 60 or 90 days after the campaign goes “live”? Many influencers “add-on” additional fees if the brand fails to pay them prior to the publish date or, worse makes “late payments”.
Make sure everyone is clear how you’ll be compensated and that the details are included in your contract so you have a legal leg to stand on should the brand fail to follow through on payment!
How Much To Charge For a Sponsored Post
There’s a reason why some celebrities (athletes, etc.) retain more for brand campaigns than others, and that same wisdom applies to influencers! If you believe you are more influential than other influencers in your niche it may be in your interest to charge higher rates.
Brand Deals Deliverables & Demands
Like influencers, brands also have reputations in this industry. Ask around! Is the brand known to be “difficult” to work with? What’s their reputation? If they’re known to be demanding or unreasonable, not many influencers will want to collaborate with them! Meaning, those who are willing to do so often charge them higher rates to accommodate the additional work (and stress) involved in meeting their unique needs and expectations.
Influencer Rates
As you can see, we can’t possibly offer influencers or boggers specific advice as to “how much to charge for a sponsored post” since each influencer and brand partnership is significantly different! However, if you can determine a “base rate” that you’d like to meet for each partnership and then factor in the above-mentioned variables, you’ll likely find “pricing your rates” going forward much easier!
Not to mention, if a brand asks what rates you charge, you can reply that they vary depending on the campaign. Likewise, if they (for any reason) question the rate you finally propose you can easily communicate all that is involved in your pricing, making negotiations considerably easier.
How Much To Charge For a Sponsored Post
By now you should have a much better idea of how much to charge for a sponsored post! Next, learn the 25 “influencer marketing” terms all influencers and bloggers must know to negotiate with brands! To learn even more tips about pricing your rates, including the pricing formula influencers swear by, check out our YouTube channel.
Read More Tips for Influencers
Thanks for reading our guide on how much to charge for a sponsored post! Here’s a few of our most popular articles for influencers as well as some of our best-selling resources for influencers inside our Shop like our Influencer Rate Report and Professional Pitch Package. ❤️
- Unlocking Collaborations: How to Reach Out to Brands as an Influencer
- How Much Should I Charge as an Influencer + Rate Card Template
- What Brands Look For In Influencers — Read more here.
- Influencer vs Content Creator: What No One Tells You
- Influencer Tips & Tricks — Read more here.
- Influencer Opportunities: The Truth About Brand Deals
- Become a Paid Influencer: 6 Tips — Read more here.
- How To Make Money Creating Content For Brands — Read more here.
- How To Approach Brands As An Influencer: Quick Guide
- Influencer Brand Deals: An Ultimate Breakdown
- How To Negotiate As An Influencer — Read more here.
- How To Get Brand Deals — Read more here.
- How Much To Charge For A Sponsored Post — Read more here.
- The Brand Pitch Email Templates (That Brands Can’t Refuse) — Read more here.
- Get More Brand Deals With This Engagement Rate Formula — Read more here.
- How To Work With Brands As An Infliuencer — Read more here.
- What (Exactly) To Include In Your Media Kit — Read more here.
- How Much To Charge For A Sponsored Post — Read more here.
- Influencer Marketing Terms You Need To Know To Work With Brands — Read more here.
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