11 st studio

influencer agency

The wait is over. 

Starting now you never need to wonder how much to charge as an influencer — ever again.

Hey, I'm Jaye, founder of 11 St. Studio, an exclusive influencer agency providing influencer coaching and consultations to help creators maximize their income, influence, growth & brand strategy. For the first time ever, I'm spilling the tea on exactly how much to charge for brand deals so you can feel confident sending your rates to brands.

Influencer Rate Calculator

Before I spill ALL the Tea, let's just chat about the Best-selling...

I think we all can agree that pricing rates for brand deals can be confusing. Not anymore. It’s time to get your hands on my totally customizable drag-and-drop Influencer Rate Calculator! Not only will it make your life 100X easier, since it eliminates the task of calculating your rates for brand deals yourself, but it also looks totally professional, helping you stand out to brands. Plus, it easily answers  that infamous “What are your rates for...?” question with one simple click. 

Now, let's be real...you're probably better at pricing your rates for brand deals than you think you are. But, if you're anything like me, you need help to take your brand deal income to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what WORKS.

And that's where my brand-new, hot off the press webinar comes in. So, if you wanna know what to charge as an influencer, see some average influencer rates, learn how to negotiate brand deals, how to calculate influencer rates, or how much to charge for brand deals... well you're in the right place because I answer all these questions, and share a behind-the-scenes peek into the influencer rate calculator that's been proven to give influencers an instant, verified rate to share with brands.


If you're looking for:

clarity in calculating your rates for brand deals

I've got you covered. You'll learn the exact, step-by-step formula to pricing sponsored posts and get exclusive access to the #1 influencer rate calculator.

help negotiating brand deals

Search no further. In this webinar you'll learn not only what to charge as an influencer, but also how to negotiate brand deals, so you can take your income to the next level.

someone who just *gets* it

Truth be told, knowing how much to charge as an influencer is not common knowledge, which is why it's important you learn what to charge as an influencer from someone who has expertise in the influencer-brand deal space. As someone whose been pricing and negotiating lucrative brand deals for more than 10 years, I've got you.


Discover the never-shared-before formula to calculating rates for brand deals.

Plus, be one of the first to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the life-changing All-In-One Brand Booking system, which has been proven to take influencers from one-off brand deals to six-figures in under a year.

All you've got to do is
Register for the webinar.

ready to get started?

Register for the webinar.

Come find out why thousands of influencers from across the globe put their trust in Jaye to learn how much to charge as an influencer and why they swear by her innovative influencer rate calculator to price their rates for sponsored posts and brand deals — no matter if they're a nano, micro, macro or mega influencer.

    Claim Your Spot

    Calculating your rates for brand deals doesn't have to be hard. This webinar completely demystifies "how much to charge as an influencer" and reveals a step-by-step formula to calculating your rates for all kind of brand deals — whether you're calculating rates for a sponsored Instagram post, TikTok video, blog post or YouTube video.

    Plus, you'll also gain access to our popular "fill-in-the-blanks" influencer rate card template, as well as the ground-breaking influencer rate calculator, and our brand pitch email templates so that you can seriously kickstart your career as an influencer. 

    It's time to make money with your influence

    Learn how to price your rates for brand deals (the RIGHT way).

    learn the "uncomplicated" way to calculate your rates for brand deals

    Plus, gain immediate access to our popular influencer rate calculator and all-in-one brand booking system.

    discover what to factor into your rates for all kinds of brand deals

    Learn exactly what you NEED to charge for when calculating your rates for sponsored posts — from deliverables to usage rights to rush fees and more.

    discover new, innovative tools to calculate your rates

    Learn how to use our popular influencer rate calculator to EASILY calculate your rates for brand deals.

    View my personal go-to system for booking brand deals (in your sleep). Yes, you read that right. 

    “I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD BE WORTH IT. But it was. I honestly didn't think I WOULD BE *that* success story. AND I AM.”

    In my very first year as an influencer, I took Jaye's webinar to learn how much I should charge as an influencer — and because of that one webinar I learned how to calculate my rates (the right way) and went on to sign 11 brand deals and made well over six-figures!!! I was not expecting to make anywhere near that amount of money. (Just thinking about it still gives me chills!)

    — Hunter

    “I'm SO GRATEFUL I worked with Lita on my new home design. Everything was SO MUCH BETTER than I expected. It was a whoa.”

    Chia migas aesthetic pok pok, hot chicken tousled PBR&B hashtag photo booth vaporware hexagon. Four loko fashion axe fam 3 wolf moon. Irony cronut godard twee tilde trust fund pork belly. Tilde twee portland, kinfolk copper mug thundercats truffaut cold-pressed venmo street art godard waistcoat.

    — Sarah

    So, if you're ready to learn a proven, step-by-step formula to calculating your rates as an influencer... or to finally get clarity on how to negotiate brand deals, or to peek inside the infamous influencer rate calculator...

    Spoiler alert — You don’t need more brand deals to make your bank account explode... you need to learn how much to charge as an influencer, and how to calculate your rates for sponsored posts — the right way.  Don't wait, RUN to register for the webinar, and discover the secret strategies influencers across the globe use to instantly calculate their rates for sponsored posts — so you can too.

    then this webinar is a must-see for you.

    ready to get started?

    Register for the webinar.

    Come find out why thousands of influencers from across the globe put their trust in Jaye to learn how much to charge as an influencer and why they swear by her innovative influencer rate calculator to price their rates for sponsored posts and brand deals — no matter if they're a nano, micro, macro or mega influencer.

      “Jaye is the BEST at what she does — helping influencers across the globe skyrocket their income partnering with brands. Which is why everyone I know uses her influencer rate calculator. MYSELF INCLUDED.”

      Her gift is helping influencers see their worth, clear as day, taking them from earning a few hundred bucks here and there, to earning a sizable income in no time at all. I love learning all her latest brand partnership, pricing, and negotiation strategies — because she’s always studying her craft and has a track record of sharing expert resources that are proven to work — and that’s a really big deal. 

      — lara

      “I'm SO GRATEFUL I worked with Lita on my new home design. Everything was SO MUCH BETTER than I expected. It was a whoa.”

      Chia migas aesthetic pok pok, hot chicken tousled PBR&B hashtag photo booth vaporware hexagon. Four loko fashion axe fam 3 wolf moon. Irony cronut godard twee tilde trust fund pork belly. Tilde twee portland, kinfolk copper mug thundercats truffaut cold-pressed venmo street art godard waistcoat.

      — Sarah

      ready to get started?

      Register for the webinar.

      Come find out why thousands of influencers from across the globe put their trust in Jaye to learn how much to charge as an influencer and why they swear by her innovative influencer rate calculator to price their rates for sponsored posts and brand deals — no matter if they're a nano, micro, macro or mega influencer.