Unlock Your True Earning Potential with the Influencer Rates Calculator

Calculate Rates Fast: Influencer Rates Calculator

Are you tired of guessing how much to charge for your brand deals? Feeling unsure if you’re undercharging or overpricing your services? It’s time to take the guesswork out of your pricing strategy and start earning what you truly deserve with our Influencer Rates Calculator!

Key Features

User-Friendly Interface

Comprehensive Metrics Analysis

The calculator takes into content type, platform-specific rates, expenses and specific advertising/legal fees (ie. exclusivity) & adjustments.

Customizable Results

Regular Updates

You can tailor your rates based on additional factors like content type and production effort.

It encourages you to stay ahead with the latest industry standards and pricing trends.

It's easy to navigate and use, even if you’re new to the influencer industry.

Benefits of Using the Influencer Rates Calculator

  • Maximize Earnings: Feel confident that you’re not leaving money on the table by undercharging for your services.

  • Professionalism: Present brands with well-researched and justified rates, showcasing your professionalism.

  • Informed Decisions: Make data-driven decisions about which brand deals to accept.

  • Time Efficiency: Save hours of manual calculations and focus more on creating amazing content.

  • Confidence in Negotiations: Enter negotiations with brands confidently, backed by solid data.

Get Paid Fairly: Influencer Rates Calculator

"Before using the Influencer Rates Calculator, I always felt so unsure about my pricing. Now, I FEEL CONFIDENT in my rates, and I've even secured higher-paying deals! It's been a game-changer for my influencer career."

— Emma, Fashion Influencer

“I'm SO GRATEFUL I worked with Lita on my new home design. Everything was SO MUCH BETTER than I expected. It was a whoa.”

Chia migas aesthetic pok pok, hot chicken tousled PBR&B hashtag photo booth vaporware hexagon. Four loko fashion axe fam 3 wolf moon. Irony cronut godard twee tilde trust fund pork belly. Tilde twee portland, kinfolk copper mug thundercats truffaut cold-pressed venmo street art godard waistcoat.

— Sarah

How The Calculator WORKS

The Influencer Rates Calculator is incredibly easy to use:

  • Enter Your Details: Input the content type & quantity requested by the brand, (ie. one reel), adjust the rates to reflect your base rate for that content. 

  • Input the quantity the brand is requesting for the remaining services such as usage rights etc. along with your rates for each.

  • Get Instant Results: Receive a detailed breakdown and final suggested rate for various types of content and services.

  • Adjust for Specific Needs: Customize your rates based on additional factors like content complexity and seasonal fees etc.

It’s that simple! Within minutes, you’ll have a clear understanding of how much to charge, ensuring you’re compensated fairly for your influence.

seriously, this is pretty life-changing

Why Choose Our Calculator?

At 11 St. Studio, we’re dedicated to empowering influencers with the tools they need to succeed. Our Influencer Rates Calculator is backed by industry experts and designed with your needs in mind. We’re committed to helping you maximize your earnings and achieve your goals.

Effortless Pricing: Influencer Rates Calculator

Ready to Get Started? See the benefits for yourself.

Don’t leave your earnings to chance. Take control of your influencer income today with the Influencer Rates Calculator.  Get started now to unlock your true earning potential with the Influencer Rates Calculator. Start charging what you’re worth and watch your influencer business thrive.

All you've got to do is get started.

Best-Selling Influencer
Rates Calculator

The good news is — starting today you never need to wonder how much to charge as an influencer again.

Not knowing what to charge brands shouldn't be the thing holding you back from partnering with brands. Meaning NOW is the perfect time to get your hands on our totally customizable, drag-and-drop rate calculator.

Not only will this calculator make your life 100X easier, since it eliminates the task of calculating everything yourself, but it's also professionally designed, so that brands can't help but take you seriously — because you and I both know that it's time you make some serious CASH with your influence! 

Who It’s For

We created this best-selling calculator so that influencers everywhere can feel confident pricing their rates for brand deals on their own.  


BUY now

Remember, when pricing your rates for brand deals you need to understand your VALUE as an influencer. This isn't just about your follower count—although that’s part of it.

Brands are looking for engagement, authenticity, and alignment with their values. Here are some things to consider:

  • Follower Count: More followers can mean higher rates, but engagement is key.

  • Engagement Rate: How often do your followers like, comment, share, or interact with your content?

  • Content Quality: High-quality photos and videos, are worth more M-O-N-E-Y.

  • Niche and Demographics: If you have a specific, engaged niche or a desirable demographic, you can charge more.

  • Platform: Rates vary between platforms. For instance, Instagram influencers charge different rates compared to YouTuber's or TikTok creators.

Discover Your perfect Rate with Our Influencer Calculator

Setting Your Rates

With your calculator results in hand, you can start sending over your rates to brands. Here’s a breakdown of typical pricing structures:

  • Per Post/Story/Video: Charge a flat rate for each piece of content.

  • Package Deals: Offer bundles like multiple posts, stories, and a video feature for a set price.

  • Monthly Retainers: For long-term partnerships, charge a monthly fee for a set amount of content.

It’s also important to consider the effort and time involved in creating content. High-effort videos or intricate photoshoots should be priced higher than simpler posts.

seriously, this is pretty incredible

Using an Influencer Rates Calculator

Enter Your Details

Once you’ve assessed your value, it’s time to get specific with numbers. That’s where our influencer rates calculator comes in. This tool helps you determine fair rates based on various metrics. Here’s how to use it:

Review Suggested Rates

The calculator will provide a final suggested rate for different types of content (posts, stories, videos, etc.).

Input your content type (image, video etc, base rate for each, and additional services you offer and rates for those, ie usage rights along with the quantity the brand is requesting for each.

with Brands is KEY

Negotiation is a big part of the process. Here are some tips to ensure you get the best deal:

  • Know Your Worth: Be confident in your rates. The influencer rates calculator has already helped you determine a fair price.

  • Be Flexible: While you should know your baseline, being flexible can help secure deals. Maybe you can offer a bit more content or a slight discount for a longer-term contract.

  • Highlight Your Value: When discussing rates, emphasize your engagement, audience alignment, and past successful collaborations.

Simplify Pricing with
our influencer rates Calculator

Tracking &
Adjusting Rates

As you gain more experience and grow your audience, your rates should evolve. Regularly update your influencer rates calculator data to reflect your current metrics. If you’ve just hit a big milestone or your engagement has spiked, it’s time to adjust your rates accordingly.

Skyrocket Your Profits with Our Influencer Rates calculator

Tips to Find Your Perfect Rate

  • Do Your Research: Look at what other influencers in your niche are charging.

  • Add Value: Sometimes, offering a little extra (like an exclusive behind-the-scenes video or a bonus post) can justify higher rates.

  • Be Transparent: Clear communication with brands about what they’re paying for builds trust and sets clear expectations.


Maximize Your Income with Our Influencer Rates Calculator

Are you tired of guessing how much to charge for your brand deals? Feeling unsure if you’re undercharging or overpricing your services? It’s time to take the guesswork out of your pricing strategy and start earning what you truly deserve with our Influencer Rates Calculator!

Supercharge Your Income Using Our Rates Calculator

Best-Selling Influencer
Rates Calculator


BUY now

"The Influencer Rates Calculator helped me understand the true value of my niche. I’ve been able to negotiate better deals and have seen a 30% INCREASE in my earnings!"

— Alex P., fitness influencer

“I'm SO GRATEFUL I worked with Lita on my new home design. Everything was SO MUCH BETTER than I expected. It was a whoa.”

Chia migas aesthetic pok pok, hot chicken tousled PBR&B hashtag photo booth vaporware hexagon. Four loko fashion axe fam 3 wolf moon. Irony cronut godard twee tilde trust fund pork belly. Tilde twee portland, kinfolk copper mug thundercats truffaut cold-pressed venmo street art godard waistcoat.

— Sarah

Proven To Maximize Earnings

This calculator includes everything you need to price your rates for brand collaborations so you can stop leaving money on the table and get paid well for your influence, creativity and time. This plug-and-play calculator takes the guesswork out of pricing rates and guarantees you’re not undercharging brands.

Are you ready to join countless other influencers and start pricing your rates for brands on your own? If your answer is “YES”, click “Buy Now” to get started.